veriso foam glass - the best of two worlds
As of May 1st, 2023, SCHLÜSSELBAUER Geomaterials GmbH and the German company Reiling have merged their German activities in the foam glass sector. For this purpose, the joint company Veriso GmbH & Co. KG was founded. We therefore produce and sell foam glass in Germany and Europe through the newly founded company “Veriso GmbH & Co. KG”.
The newly founded Veriso GmbH & Co. KG now has a total of three foam glass furnaces at two production sites and is one of the largest producers of foam glass in Europe. The headquarters of the new company is in Knittlingen (Baden-W.). The other production facilitie is located in 31632 Husum.
We produce high-quality building materials, which are mainly obtained from waste glass. We offer our customers sustainable and ecologically sound building materials that meet the requirements for a solid foundation with the best material properties.